Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Just received my PS Vita memory card...

     Don't ever judge everyone on the internet. Not everyone is a pedophile, or a weirdo. Some are actually quite nice. At least that's what I experienced on Reddit.
     One day I was browsing Reddit and found the Vita subreddit, this was a godsend because just two days before I purchased a Playstation Vita that was without a memory card. My first post was asking people if they knew places with discounted memory cards. Many people replied but nothing seemed like a great deal. I was planning on just waiting until Sony got their head out of their asses and lowered the price of their small memory cards. One comment though caught my attention. A kind soul offered to send me a 8Gb memory card for free! That is a forty dollar value right there! He had just purchased a bigger card and was no longer in need of the small one. A quick exchange of info and he had it in the mail.
     Days passed and I got more and more impatient. Everyday on the dot I checked the mail at 4:00PM hoping for the card to be there. Finally on Friday I just knew the card would finally arrive. I rushed home and threw off my backpack and jacket. A bathroom trip and I was out the door.... Without shoes... In ice... My feet decided they need to run and I ran, well more like a fast walk thingy. WHAM! My legs flew out from under me and I slid on my knees but not before a loud crack was heard from my right leg. Pain flooded into my leg. I just lay there whimpering and hoping that nothing was broken. My breathing quickened and I flew into a panic attack. My phone was in my hand at the time so I was able to contact my stepmother in a few seconds. Eventually my stepbrother got home and helped me up onto my good leg and sat me down on a fold-able chair. My stepmother finally came home and we rushed to the hospital and found out that, yes, I have a broken fibula.
     The trip home was fun. Norco coursed through my veins and I just stared at the window relishing in the warmth the painkillers provided. When I finally had the will to look at my phone a single text awaited me. Four small words stared back at me. Taunting me. Mocking me. My face went to my palm and I started to cry.
"Nothing was in there."
     I just broke my leg for nothing. The card hadn't even come in. The mailbox was completely empty, not even junk mail waited. Tears streamed down my face and I went home and slept and cried and made a mental note to always wear shoes outside. The next day was painful not only from the broken leg but the crutches that rubbed my palms raw and tired me out in no time. 12:00PM sharp, the mailtruck rolled up to our mailbox and deposited a single envelope. My mind jumped to the only thing it could be. My memory card. The one I broke my leg in anticipation for. But there was nothing I could do. I wasn't allowed to go outside and even if I snuck out the Norco made me very drowsy. I spent a good hour convincing myself that the envelope was just junk mail. Nothing more, nothing less. My parents took forever to get home and picked up the mail on the way in. My dad tossed me the envelope nonchalantly and giggled while walking away. To my utter amazement and eventual dismay, it was the memory card. Addressed with my username and address all sent from some faraway state. Tears filled my eyes again and I picked up my Vita and started to play a sad game of Little Deviants.

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